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Things to Know Before Selling Your Home:

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1. Study the Market - Consult with a Realtor.

If you have decided to sell your home without a realtor, you are not alone. Many do so and some are successful. The majority of the sellers however eventually will list with a real estate broker, realizing that the selling yourself is not always the best decision and often you lose more by trying to save commission for your realtor. Meanwhile before offering your home for sale, research the current real estate market in your areas. Any of our agents can prepare a CMA Comparable Market Analysis for you so you do not overprice and loose potential buyers, helping other sellers’ sell their home at the expense of failing to sell yours.


2. Know Who You Are Competing Against.


Don't forget, when selling your own home, you will be competing against all the real estate professionals in your area. Be realistic to the fact that your chances to sell before them are slim to none. Buyers work with realtors because it is free for them to have a realtor. With a realtor by their side, they will have access to every single property, listed for sale in your area. With you they have no other choice, no other alternatives. Those who will deal with you, most of the time will be low baller, demanding you to credit them the money you save from commission.

3. Think of Yourself as a Businessperson not as the Homeowner.

Distance yourself from the emotional aspects of selling your home. Disclose any material issues (structural defects) that you know but are not visible for the naked eye to avoid possible legal issues for failure to disclose. Consult with a realtor for a small fee, (we can help) if this is the case or have your attorney to consult with.


4. Treat Every Buyer with Respect.

Remember how you felt when you were shopping to buy your home. Don't forget buyers are in an emotional state.  If they law ball you, don’t take it personal. All they are trying to do is get the best deal possible for themselves. Unfortunately, you will have more experiences like that if you will be unrepresented. 


5. Sacrifice a Bit of Privacy for a Better Success.


And the saying goes: "buyers are liars". Some of them knocking your door might not even be qualified for a loan. Strangers will knock on your door requesting to come see your home with no appointment. If you tell them to come back at another time many of them will never return. Prepare yourself for this and get ready for some PRIVACY INVASION. Strangers poking around, criticizing things you like and that could be perfect in your home. There are individuals who consider a good strategy to put down a home they like to induce a cheaper price. Don’t get personal. If this is not what you have anticipated- there is a solution. Let a realtor handle your sale and we at Proplocate are ready, eager and willing to serve you in all your real estate needs. 


6. Why Use a Realtor.


Realtors are not free but whatever commission you pay for, their services is much more beneficial to you in the end. A good agent always has your best interests at heart.​


Shall you decide to hire a realtor we are here ready to help. Simply select one of the Proplocate realtors to be at your disposal at the very step of your home selling process. 

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